
Welcome to my Tantra massage room, where the atmosphere of relaxation and complete relaxation discover the unknown layers of sexual energy. In the place quite silent, with music, fragrance oils and incense receive a relaxing massage and full body massage with an intimate space. Indian massage techniques to convince your next visit, where to spend time in full relaxation and pleasant atmosphere.


Miasto: Krosno, wojew贸dztwo podkarpackie Status zwi膮zku: Jest to skomplikowane Zasadno艣膰: Heteroseksuali艣ci D艂ugo艣膰: 160 - 165 cm Postawa: Slim Szkolenie: Nr Kolor w艂os贸w: Br膮zowy Palenie tytoniu: Tak BDSM: Nr Rozmiar miseczki: C75 Ogolony: Tak Kolczyki: Nr Tatua偶e: Nr