Tantra Studio

Welcome Ladies, Gentlemen and Couples to meet the massage, Tantric Scriptures , including massage intimate places – Yoni and Lingam women in men. Tantric Massage is” way ” to achieve Peace , Joy and Harmony, is a return to our true nature . This massage healing , both spiritually and physically , is a great way to find closeness, intimacy and the full enjoyment of their sexuality .Massage is performed on a mat , in a clean, beautiful office. During the massage, I care about your body, soul , emotions and with respect to the body we are both naked. A whole treatment is accompanied by sensual music, candlelight and the smell of natural oils and incense . Massage leads to the unification of body and spirit , increases the intensity of sexual experience and regular sessions help to achieve greater control and prolong sexual act multiplying the moments of ecstasy. When we are able to gain such control during lovemaking go beyond awareness of her body and experience a fusion of the Spirit , which is present in all of us . When this happens the sexual energy is converted into spiritual energy . What is the ultimate goal of all Tantric and Taoist spiritual practices .

Possible coaching : the energy of the whole body orgasms , science Big Draw, prostate massage for women science ejaculation , learning massage for couples , I’m Coach Relations and Sexuality and Tantra coach.

This ad does not contain any erotic overtones .



Miasto: Skocz贸w, wojew贸dztwo 艣l膮skie Status zwi膮zku: licencjat Zasadno艣膰: Heteroseksuali艣ci D艂ugo艣膰: 150 - 155 cm Postawa: Slim Szkolenie: Uniwersytet Kolor w艂os贸w: Br膮zowy Palenie tytoniu: Nr BDSM: Nr Rozmiar miseczki: A70 Ogolony: Tak Kolczyki: Nr Tatua偶e: Nr